Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – (UFZ) project on Field Survey on Household water-energy-food consumption in Pune.
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – (UFZ) project on ‘Field Survey on Household water-energy-food consumption in Pune’ and Field Survey on Commercial Establishments water-energy-food consumption in Pune. A former study highlighted increasing regional water scarcity in rural areas and at the same time flood damage in the city.Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – (UFZ) project on ‘Field Survey on Household water-energy-food consumption in Pune’ and Field Survey on Commercial Establishments water-energy-food consumption in Pune. A former study highlighted increasing regional water scarcity in rural areas and at the same time flood damage in the city, dysfunctional water and energy distribution between and within rural and urban areas, and the loss of agricultural land due to urban sprawl. The later study investigated the water and energy consumption of commercial establishments in Pune city.
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – (UFZ) project on Field Survey on Household water-energy-food consumption in Pune.

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Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – (UFZ) project on Field Survey on Commercial Establishments water-energy-food consumption in Pune.