Software Services
Computer Software’s raise the efficiency of businesses and research activities. The software makes the complex process easy and effective. We build customised software as per the need of your business and research. Our software has a range of features to help create engaging and dynamic questionnaires, including diagnostic questionnaires to provide feedback based on answers given or questionnaires for course evaluations, product testing and 360 assessments.
Our software makes it easy even for someone with no programming experience to program a Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) questionnaire. Our software service ensures high-quality data by facilitating logic checks, skip patterns, validations, high-frequency checks, and enumerator monitoring.
Software facilitates logic checks, skip patterns, and validations during the interview. This makes the survey more efficient and helps assure higher quality data. It also saves later efforts on data cleaning and data entry.
The use of the software is a good tool to monitor enumerators. It can automatically record each interview’s start time, end time and GPS location, making it easy for supervisors to check whether an enumerator indeed conducted a given interview or not by comparing its time and GPS data to that of other interviews during which a supervisor was present.
We also provide a Cloud Storage Service.
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